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It’s all about that BASS… How to achieve the perfect butt!


How to achieve the perfect butt!

I’m sure almost everyone has watched Miley Cyrus twerk, or Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda video. Maybe you have seen the video for “Motherload” from Mastodon (a personal favorite)? Asses are in more than ever, but what makes up this wonderful muscle, and how do we perfect it?

What is in your butt?

Your butt is made up of three major muscles:

1. The Gluteus Maximus: One of the larges and strongest muscles in your body.

2. The Gluteus Minimus: A smaller muscle that sits on and near the hip.

3. The Glutueus Medius: Medium muscle found lying near the pelvis.

How do you get a nice gluteus?

What people need to understand, like other parts of your body, your glutes are muscles. They respond to weight training similar to all other muscle groups. This muscle group also likes to hold fat deposits over the muscle. If you have a flat booty, you can still make it more round by concentrating on weight training. If you have a booty that is too big, concentrate on training, cardio, and diet to help slim it down. Genetics are only part of the equation.

The Best Booty WORKout… ever

A lot of the females I trained were asking about a good butt/leg exercise to do once a week.

BOOTY WORKout Exercise Routine:

5 sets of Sumo Squats (10 reps) supersetted with 5 sets of 30 second wall sits.

Sumo-squat-with-kettlebell-jamie-watling  wall-sit_thumb

Tip: Keep your back straight and lower the kettle-bell until it is floor level. Use appropriate weight, and don’t be afraid to go a little heavy on the squats.

Race Track Lunges: Race Track Lunges are an exercise I invented a few years back for my wife. Take two weights of equal size and perform a standard lunge. But instead of walking straight ahead, you make a slight angle as if you are running around a race track. Perform 5 slow sets. Once you complete the first set, complete the second set in the opposite direction.  Try to increase the weight each week.

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Diet is increasingly important if you are looking for a firm and lifted booty. Squat variations and lunges will help build muscle, but to get rid of the fat that covers the muscles you will have to work on your diet and cardio.

Try to lower your carbs, and eat them when you first wake up, and post workout. Try to eat 300 calories under your BMR to help burn the fat. I would add 15-20 minutes of high intensity interval training 3 or 4 days a week.

Lift Heavy My Friends,
Dustin Holston
Certified Personal Trainer/Nutritionist
1st Phorm Brand Ambassador
Twitter: @NutritionTrain
Instagram: @NutritionTrain247

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Nutrition and Personal Training

Certified Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, MBA, and Firm Administrator of a Law Firm.

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