5 day split workoutbiceps workoutleg workouttriceps workoutUncategorizedwomen workoutworkoutworkout scheduleworkouts

Intermediate 5 Day Workout Split

15-20 minutes of cardio daily.

Preferably 30 seconds of sprints followed by 4.5 minutes of jog/walk (repeat).

Day 1- Arms


4 sets of alternating Hammer Curls (8-12)

3 sets of preachers (machines or regular), squeeze for 3 seconds every 3rd rep (8-12)

3 sets of inclined bicep curls (slow, squeeze at top) (8-12)


4 sets of triceps rope extensions (8-12 reps)

3 sets of dips (8-12)

3 sets of  overhead extensions (8-12)

Day 2- Legs

5 sets of leg extensions (8-12)

5 sets of leg curls (8-12)

3 sets of squats (skip if needed) (8-12)

3 sets of leg press (8-12)

5 sets of calves (8-12)

Day 3- Back + Shoulders

4 sets of pull downs (8-12)

3 sets of close grip pull downs (8-12)

3 sets of lawn mowers or bent over barbell rows (8-12)

3 sets of seated cable rows or 3 sets of t bar row (8-12)

3 sets of shoulder press (8-12)

3 sets of lateral raises (8-12)

3 sets of frontal raises or 3 sets of steering wheels (8-12)

3 sets of rear delts (8-12)

Day 4 Bench

5 sets of flat bench: 15, 12, 10, 8, 6 (increasing weight each set)

3 sets of inclined bench (8-12)

3 sets of flies variety

Day 5- Pump Day*

5 sets of shrugs (20 reps)

5 sets of close grip bench (20 reps)

5 sets of pull downs (20 reps)

5 sets of leg extensions (20 reps)

Nutrition and Personal Training

Certified Personal Trainer, Nutritionist, MBA, and Firm Administrator of a Law Firm.

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